
Precariousness / Instability – Meetings by
december 11, 12, 13 2002 – Maison Européenne de la Photographie

The speakers / performers

Marc Abélès, research director at the CNRS, director of the LAIOS
His works are about the status of the political power, its rituals and institutionnalisation.

Last publications
Les nouveaux riches, Odile Jacob, 2002.
Un ethnologue à l’Assemblée, Odile Jacob, 2001.
Anthropologie du politique, Armand Colin, 1997.

Juan Alonso, PhD in semiotics, Paris VIII University.
His works are about the strategical rhetorics, the role of passions in communication.

Last publications
Discours du terrorisme, Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2003.
Nouveaux actes sémiotiques, (en coll.) Presses Universitaires de Limoges, 2001.

Etienne-Armand Amato, PhD of info-communication, Paris VIII University.
Paragraphe laboratory, founder of the OMNI, Observatoire des Mondes Numériques
Interactifs (Observatory of the Numerical Interactive Worlds).

Didier Aschour, guitarist, laureate of the Fondation Yehudi Menuhin.
His taste for microtonal music has led him to the construction of many microtonal instruments
(customized guitars etc...)

Jean Baudrillard, sociologist and philosopher.

Last publications
Power Inferno, Galilée, 2002.
L'esprit du terrorisme, Galilée, 2002.
Au royaume des aveugles, Sens et Tonka, 2002.
Pataphysique, Sens et Tonka, 2002.
D’un fragment l’autre, avec François L’Yvonnet, Albin Michel, 2001.

Mehdi Belhaj Kacem
, writer, essayist.

Last publications
La communauté virtuelle, Sens et Tonka, 2002.
Théorie du trickster, Sens et Tonka, 2002.
L’Essence n de l’amour, Tristram-Fayard, 2002.
Society, Tristram, 2001.

Véronique Bergen, philosopher.
She has a licence in roman philology and philosophy (Université libre de Bruxelles).
Author of an essay about Jean Genet : Entre mythe et réalité.
(De Boeck Université, 1993) ; she collaborates to many litterary and artistics reviews.

Last publications
L’ontologie de Gilles Deleuze, L’Harmattan, 2001.
L’obsidienne rêve l’obscur, L’Ambedui, 1998.
Brûler le père quand l’enfant dort, La lettre volée, 1994.

Alexandre Costanzo, philosopher.
Post-graduate en Philosophy (université de Paris VIII) and co founder
of the review Failles

David Christoffel, compositor, musicologist.
PhD. in Philosophy of Language.

Recent musical works
Goulu pas parterre, 2002.
Préludes et Fastes, 2001.
Le Déchante-Merdier, 1999.

Pascale Criton, compositor, philosopher, PhD. in musicology.
Working in musical research since 1980, Pascale Criton explores the microtones and their organisation.

Recent musical works
Artefact, 2001.
Territoires imperceptibles, 1997.
La ritournelle et le galop, 1995.

Jean-Paul Dollé, professor of philosophy at the École d’architecture of Paris la Villette
Co-founder of Banlieue 1989, he fought for the "living-together in the city" to be a major question
for the modern philosophy and politics.

Last publications
Métropolitique, Editions de la Villette, 2002.
L’ordinaire n’existait plus, Léo Scheer, 2001.
L’Insoumis, Grasset, 1997.

Hikaru Fujii, videast and graphic designer.
ENSAD. Invited designer for criticalsecret issue n°7.
Co-realisator of (psychogeographic sound application).

Andrea Grunert, historian of cinema.
Author of a thesis : Clint Eastwood and the « Frontier » . Themes and original variations
of a traditional repertory. New limits in cinematographical fictions.

Henri-Pierre Jeudy
, sociologist, researcher at the CNRS (co-director of the LAIOS).

Last publications
Même, les fantômes, La lettre volée, 2002.
Le deuil impossible, avec P. Baudry, Eshel, 2001.
Le corps et ses stéréotypes, Circé, 2001.

Jean-Jacques Kupiec
, biologist, PhD. in biology and research engineer at the Inserm,
Institut Cochin, CNRS, Paris.
Author of the darwinian theory of developement of the embryo and
works about philosophical origins of biology.
Jean-Jacques Kupiec's website :

Last publications
Ni Dieu ni gène, Avec P. Sonigo, le Seuil, 2000.

Bertrand Laforge, PhD. of physics, master, University Pierre et Marie Curie,
Paris VI, Research director, Laboratory of nuclear physics and high energies.
Research director, french team, ATLAS experience.
His work coupled to J.J. Kupiec's leads to the development of simulation engines based on
systems validation of elementary reactions and to produce analog effects on living organisms.

André Lozano aka Loz-on-the-net, art professor, author web designer anof programmer of &
Founder of Provisoire association, a research/production network devoted to the
development of numerical art culture, that he represented in New York with
d'Antoine Moreau, during the very first manifestation online at the MOMA, 1999, New-York.

Chris Marker, film director, documentarist.

Dimanche à Pékin, 1956
Lettre de Sibérie, 1958
Description d'un combat, 1961
La Jetée, 1962
Le Joli mai, 1963
Le Mystère Koumiko, 1965
Si j'avais quatre dromadaires, 1966
A bientôt j'espère, 1969
La Bataille des dix millions, 1971
Le Train en marche, 1973
Le Fond de l'air est rouge, 1977
Soleil noir, 1982
A.K., 1985
Le Tombeau d'Alexandre, 1993
Level Five, 1996

Le Fond de l'air est rouge, François Maspero, 1978.
Commentaires 2, le Seuil, 1967.
Commentaires 1, le Seuil, 1961.

Federico Montanari, PhD. of sémiotics, Bologne University, Italy.
He works on semiotics applied to the question of war and conflict,
of their representation, mediatically and esthetically.

Coming soon
Semiotica della strategia della guerra, Esculapio, Bologne, 2003.

Antoine Schmitt, designer of animated and algorithmics virtualities.
Worldwide artist and musician, he is also founder of numerous artistic mailing-lists.

Recent works
Nanoensembles, 2002.
Display Pixel, 2001.
Les lignes mobiles, 2000.

Pierre Sonigo, biologist, PhD. of biology and research engineer at the Inserm,
Institut Cochin, CNRS, Paris.
One of the pionners in the identification of the HIV. He is directing the laboratory of virus genetics at the
Institut Cochin of molecular genetics.

Last publications
Ni Dieu ni gène, with J.J. Kupiec, le Seuil, 2000.

Carlos Sonnenschein, professor, department of anatomy and cellular biology,
Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Etats-Unis.
The links between the degradation of environment and cancer, video documentary.

Ana Soto, rofessor, department of anatomy and cellular biology,
Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Etats-Unis.
The links between the degradation of environment and cancer, video documentary.

Penny Starfield, professor, researcher in cinema aesthetics / history,
Paris VII University.

Isabelle Tardieux, researcher, Institut Cochin, CNRS, Paris.
She is working at the laboratory of biochemicals and molecular biology of bugs (Institut Pasteur)
and at the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (Hôpital Cochin),
and particularly about cellular biology and parasites.

Michel Tibon-Cornillot, sciences anthropologist (EHESS), PhD. of philosophy.
Retired researcher of the Institut Pasteur.

Last publications
Les corps transfigurés. Mécanisation du vivant et imaginaire de la biologie, le Seuil, 1992.

McKenzie Wark, philosopher and researcher of sciences of communication,
professor, New York University.

Last publications
Speed Factory, Fremantle Arts Center, 2002.
Thinking Media : new directions in media theory, Pluto Press, 2001.
Sensoria : a journal of the net years, Pluto Press, 2000.

Jean-Louis Weissberg, master in science of information and communication
at Paris VIII University, researcher.

Last publications
Présences à distance. Pourquoi nous ne croyons plus la télévision, L'Harmattan, 1999.
Les chemins du virtuel (sous la direction de), Cahiers du C.C.I., Centre Georges Pompidou-Flammarion, 1989.
Paysages virtuels (en coll.), Dis Voir, 1988.


Daniel Guibert, professor of architecture, researcher, Paris Malaquais
and Paris La Villette schools.

Last publications
La conception des objets, son monde de fictions, L’Harmattan, 2002.
Réalisme et architecture, Pierre Mardaga, 1987.

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