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  1. Waddick Doyle
  2. Alain Giffard
  3. Alexandre Gurita
  4. André Lozano
  5. Anne Querrien
  6. Annick Rivoire
  7. Arnaud Esquerre
  8. Blandine Masson
  9. Daniel Guibert
  10. David Giannoni
  11. David Guez
  12. Do Delmas
  13. Emmanuel Ponsart
  14. François Lasquin
  15. Frédérique Roussel
  16. Gallien Guibert
  17. Geert Lovink
  18. Hassan Charach
  19. Jacques Serrano
  20. Jean Baudrillard
  21. Jean Couturier
  22. Jean-Marc Terrasse
  23. Ken McKenzie Wark
  24. la tartine
  25. Mathias Richard
  27. Michael Borras
  28. Nathalie Magnan
  29. no pasaràn
  30. Olivier Auber
  31. Olivier Surel
  32. Olivier Zilbertin
  33. Pascal Bories
  34. Pascale Gustin
  35. Patrice Maniglier
  36. Patrick Lowie
  37. Paul Mathias
  38. Philippe Lorrain
  39. Pierre Bongiovanni
  40. Quentin Drouet
  41. Robin Hunzinger
  42. Simon Guibert
  44. Stephen Wright
  45. Sylvain Gire
  46. Thierry Crouzet
  47. Thomas
  48. Thomas Schmidt
  49. Tout
  50. Xavier Léton
McKenzie Wark un Hacker à Paris / couverture_cover
McKenzie Wark's Hacker @ La Tartine, Paris/ Sommaire
A Hacker Manifesto Atopos/ McKenzie Wark @ La Tartine, Paris
Jean-Marc Terrasse/ McKenzie Wark @ La Tartine, Paris
McKenzie Wark/ McKenzie Wark @ La Tartine, Paris
Anne Querrien/ McKenzie Wark @ La Tartine, Paris
Waddick Doyle/ McKenzie Wark @ La Tartine, Paris
Bilingual afterwords, Débat bilingue/ McKenzie Wark @ La Tartine, Paris
McKenzie Wark Fr Hacker pour GAMER THEORY. 1-2/ Salon de la revue, Paris
McKenzie Wark Fr Hacker pour GAMER THEORY. 3-4/ Salon de la revue, Paris
L'auteur McKenzie Wark
McKenzie Wark  A Hacker Manifesto / EN References
McKenzie Wark Un manifeste Hacker/ Fr references
Un manifeste Hacker / Evénements et Presse

McKenzie Wark/ McKenzie Wark @ La Tartine, Paris

Intervenant: lui-même


Apprendre du bistrot parisien "La Tartine", en quoi cela concerne-il Un Manifeste Hacker de McKenzie Wark : qu'y dit-il ? Ecoutez l'auteur, qui pense que l'information doive être libérée...
Learning from the Parisian bistrot " La Tartine ", does it concern McKenzie Wark's A Hacker Manifesto? What's to say? Listen to the author who wants the information to get free...

The site is a bistrot since a lot of time having the same address in Paris, 24 rue de Rivoli, zip code 75004. So long since the live track of the Situationism has left our parisian universe. This comes from Guy Debord during the sixties when living very near this place he made it famous by drinking and discussing usually with his critical friends.
But there is more a strange occurence that each book, from a hand La société du spectacle and from the other hand A hacker manifesto is beginning by a respective fake of their Marxist references. The first one plagiarizes and substitutes the first sentence of The capital by changing several things and notriously " commodities " into " spectacle ". The second one plagiarizes and substitutes the first sentence of Manifesto of the Communist Party, by notoriously turning "communism" into "abstraction". Such successive challenge of the absctracting process through the respective invention of both works as a defy to tribute the next day. ( FR version read the article "Atopos" )

But there is more a large difference between their respective arrogance in tribute to their proper times, because the media has changed the representation into its proper abstraction, and consequently this makes disappearing the source in McKenzie Wark's time. While the source was still latent when Debord imagined the future of representation from the event of spectacle.

Il y a de plus une grande différence entre leur arrogance respective en hommage à leur propre temps, parce que les médias ont changé la représentation en sa propre abstraction, la conséquence étant la disparition de la source au temps de McKenzie Wark, quand elle était encore latente au temps de Debord (au moment où il décelait l'avenir de la représentation résultant de l'événement du spectacle).

Fichier son (téléchargeable) :

McKenzie Wark est Professeur associé en Etudes de Culture et Médias à Eugene Lang College and The New School for Social Research à New York.

McKenzie Wark un Hacker à Paris / couverture_cover
McKenzie Wark's Hacker @ La Tartine, Paris/ Sommaire
A Hacker Manifesto Atopos/ McKenzie Wark @ La Tartine, Paris
Jean-Marc Terrasse/ McKenzie Wark @ La Tartine, Paris
McKenzie Wark/ McKenzie Wark @ La Tartine, Paris
Anne Querrien/ McKenzie Wark @ La Tartine, Paris
Waddick Doyle/ McKenzie Wark @ La Tartine, Paris
Bilingual afterwords, Débat bilingue/ McKenzie Wark @ La Tartine, Paris
McKenzie Wark Fr Hacker pour GAMER THEORY. 1-2/ Salon de la revue, Paris
McKenzie Wark Fr Hacker pour GAMER THEORY. 3-4/ Salon de la revue, Paris
L'auteur McKenzie Wark
McKenzie Wark  A Hacker Manifesto / EN References
McKenzie Wark Un manifeste Hacker/ Fr references
Un manifeste Hacker / Evénements et Presse
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